The multi-sport facilities commitment is a key priority within Sport England’s UTM Implementation Plan for 2022-25. As part of this commitment, up to £224m Government funding is being invested into football facilities for 2022-25 through the Football Foundation, with a minimum of 40% of the investment required to benefit other sports.

As a result, Sport England will be launching and administering a new fund – ‘Multi-Sport activity and facilities fund’ – which will be available to support the activation of funded sites and the creation of safe spaces around the facilities.

The fund was aiming for a launch in early 2024, with a total of £6.8m available initially. The Fund will be closely aligned to Sport England’s Place expansion work to ensure connection to work locally, therefore Sport England have invested in additional resource to go into the Active Partnerships National Team to support this work and connect to local needs.

To find out more click here: Multi Sport Facilities | Active Partnerships