BRITAIN’S flagship schools sport strategy risks  being little more than a  “gimmick” without long-term funding, MPs will warn  today.

They fear that Education Secretary Michael Gove’s £150million primary school  premium lasts only two years.

The Commons education select committee will argue that the UK needs a school  sports revolution to produce the next generation of champions and build on  London 2012.

Committee chairman Graham Stuart said: “There is a risk the primary sport  premium will become little more than a gimmick.” He added long-term funding  and strategy was vital.

The Schools Games programme is welcomed but MPs will warn sport should be  offered to every child — not just “sporty young people”.

Last night an Education spokesman said £750,000 has been spent on a pilot  scheme to create specialist PE teachers with the first 120 joining schools  from September.

He said: “The new PE curriculum will put competitive sport back at the heart  of school life and end the damaging ‘prizes for all’ culture.

“Our reforms will ensure every child is given the opportunities they need to  be fit, healthy and to excel at sport.”

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