8 in 10 people shop online. This means 80% of your community can help your club to receive free unrestricted cashback while they shop.

Sign your club up to online cashback site, easyfundraising, and whenever your club community shops online with over 8,000 well-known retailers, your club receives cashback.

Example of how easyfundraising works

Coach John is ordering a Domino’s for his family. Instead of visiting Domino’s website, if he went to the easyfundraising website or app first and then went to Domino’s website, your club would receive cashback. Because Domino’s knows he’s visited their site through easyfundraising, the two large pizzas, wedges, and dessert would mean your club gets £1.09 for free.

What’s the potential earning?

Endless. It really is unrestricted cashback. Little and often cashback amounts add up, so get as many people as possible signed up to easyfundraising and shopping on behalf of your club. Your club can get regular cashback from weekly food shops to big one-off purchases like a holiday or insurance renewal and everything in between – there are 8,000 retailers to shop with!

What are you waiting for? Your club community is shopping online, and your club is missing out on free cashback. Sign up: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/funding4sport/