
This pilot scheme will fund projects aimed at reducing health inequalities and getting inactive people aged 14 and over into sport.

Value Notes

Lottery awards between £30,001 and £500,000.

Funding will be distributed via one round with £5 million available.

The fund will support projects with a range of timelines, some of them time limited and within one year and others which will run for up to three years.

Extended Description

The Get Healthy, Get into Sport scheme is administered by Sport England and provided by National Lottery funding.

Sport England aim to get more people participating in sport once a week and are focusing this scheme on those who are the least active.

By targeting this group they hope to make a significant contribution to reducing health inequalities and produce the greatest potential health benefit as well as understanding other factors which have an impact on poor health and low participation – demographics, risk factors or clinical conditions.

The fund is seeking to improve the evidence base for the role sport plays in engaging inactive people and producing the right type of information that is of interest to those commissioning public health programmes. At the same time the projects that receive funding will contribute to getting inactive people participating in sport for at least 30 minutes a week.

Latest Information

The deadline for expression of interest forms is 26 October 2012 (5pm)

Key Criteria

To be eligible to apply groups must be:

  • A bona fide and legitimately constituted organisation such as a sports club, voluntary or community organisations or have statutory powers such as a local authority or an educational establishment like a school, college or university.
  • Private sector organisations can apply but must demonstrate that the project is for the public good or for charitable purposes and that neither the company nor shareholders will receive any financial gain.

Sport England expects applications to come from collaborations between deliverers and academic organisations.

Expressions of interest will need to be able to meet all of the following criteria to be able to apply:

  1. Either in-house academic evaluation support or evidence of strong relationships with academic providers through previous delivery.
  2. Evidence of an understanding of the needs of Health & Wellbeing Boards, Clinical Commissioning Groups and other Public Health Commissioning Bodies as well as their emerging priorities.
  3. Evidence of previous work targeted towards Reducing Health Inequalities.
  4. Strong local partnerships that will ensure that any project developed meets the needs of future deliverers and is sustainable within a local delivery model.

Eligible Expenditure

Funding is available for revenue projects that lead to increases in activity from those currently inactive, or provide support for those delivering projects that target this group to develop their expertise.

All Sport England recognised sports that encourage moderate intensity activity or more are eligible. Projects must target people aged 14 and above.

In particular the fund is seeking to support projects which provide answers/evidence for at least one of the following questions:

  • What is the role of sport within a health care pathway such as the Department of Health’s Let’s Get Moving programme?
  • What is an effective, scalable and sustainable programme which can encourage the least active?
  • How can more health care professionals (including Directors of Public Health, Clinical Commissioning groups and Health & Wellbeing Boards) be encouraged to advocate for, invest in and signpost to appropriate sporting programmes. What support is needed to deliver this?
  • What support is needed for existing sporting providers to help them understand and meet the needs of the least active?
  • How can the effectiveness of programmes best be measured?

Match Funding Restrictions

Match funding is strongly encouraged, although not required for a successful application.


The Get Healthy, Get into Sport fund cannot be used for:

  • Capital awards/facility development.
  • Projects which focus solely on physical activity, such as walking or gardening.
  • The general running costs of an organisation eg existing, repeat or regular events, maintenance or replacement of existing equipment.
  • Funding cannot be used for ongoing work; it must be additional such as introducing a new programme or extending an existing one.
  • Support for projects aimed at ages 13 and under.

Application Procedure

Once completed, applicants should email their checklist and Expression of Interest Form to[email protected]

If an Expression of Interest receives support, the group will be asked to complete an application form and action plan, supported by Sport England officers, before a final funding decision is made.