You’ve heard the old saying…If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em?!  The same applies to getting money for sport and for your club…..

Lesson 5 is:

In your search for funds, keep track of successful projects and LEARN what they got money for, why and how much. You can set up a google news alert ( on ‘sports funding’ and get the latest news direct to your inbox!

Don’t think of your funding need as COMPETING against all other clubs and other organisations out there looking for funds – learn from how they’ve done it. For example, see a long list of case studies from Sport England on successful funding through the Sport Unlimited fund…

More general info like showing a lack of funding in your area may help –

Have a look at

The bottom line however FROM ALL CASES is that successful applications demonstrate they UNDERSTAND THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FUNDER… this takes us on to lesson 6!